Before getting eyelash extensions, facials, or waxing, you should be doing research on your choices of personal service providers in your area. You want to make sure that they are licensed to do the services being offered, unless they are an apprentice, they should have no problem confirming this for you. You want to do this because Licensed Estheticians and lash technicians have been properly trained on the services they are providing or should be. A lot of times, schools will only teach the basics, so extra points to your provider if they have taken the initiative to take extra certifications, workshops and classes to further their education and knowledge of the industry. There is always changes and new technologies and techniques that can really improve the quality of services. Only Licensed professionals in that industry can take advanced courses, and usually will have certifications that can back it up. When dealing with things like our eyes or skin, we really need to do our due diligence when booking services because if done improperly, they can cause harm or damage to our client. Licensed professionals should have their licensing clearly visible and available upon request.
You should always be completing a consent form and having a consultation with the service provider, especially for first time visits and every 6-12 months after that, depending on personal changes in client's circumstances. These are small, but crucial steps for maintaining a safe environment for both staff and customers.
Look at their google and their website for reviews. Usually, if a person loves a service and where they got it from, they will leave a good review or tell their friends and family. Even though all new businesses start with no reviews or not a lot in the beginning, I would steer clear of businesses that have been open for a while, but do not have any reviews for their business.
Do you research who you're seeing before you book?
Yes, always!
No, I never thought about it before
No, but I will now!